Thursday, December 29, 2011

Elder Interviews: Frances Garrett

What is your full name? Why did your parents select this name for you? Did you have a nickname?

My name is Frances Patricia Garrett Boston. My parents chose this name for me from my grandmother on my dad's side. No I did not have a nickname.

When and where were you born?

I was born in Laurens South Carolina on May 5, 1927.

Were there any special items in the house that you remembered?

Yes my special item that I remembered that was in the house was the wood stove because
that’s how we heated the house and we cooked off of it.

What kind of games did you play growing up?

Hop scotch and basketball.

What was school like for you as a child? What were the best and worst subjects? Where did you attend school?

As a child school for me was good, I loved reading but I really didn’t like math. I went to Sanders High just went to the 8th grade.

What were your favorite songs and music?

My favorite music was gospel and blues.

How is the world today different from when you were a child?

It's a lot different because now we have things we didn’t have back in the day when I was a child such as washing machines and dryers because we used to wash our clothes outside in a pot. Also when I was a child we used to pick cotton all day and now you don’t see kids picking cotton.

Where and when did you get married?

I got married at my mother's house.

Were there other family members in the area? Who?

Yes my grandmother and grandfather.

What was your favorite toy and why?

My favorite toy was a doll because it made me feel like a mother.

December 2011
*Interview by Bridjet Russell
*Photography by Precious Garrett
To submit additional Garrett, Neely, & Sullivan elder interviews please contact any member of the 2012 planning committee.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Elder Interviews: Harold W. Garrett

What is your full name? Did you have a nickname?

My full name is Harold Willie Garrett my brother’s name was Carold Willie Garrett and they called us Cack and Hack.

When and where were you born?

I was born in the country on the land that we own.

Did you have any chores as a child?

Yes, I had to fetch water, milk the cow, and feed the chickens.

Who were your childhood heroes?

Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis

Did you have any pets?

Yes I had a dog named Joe. He was a good hunting dog and we used to go rabbit hunting.

How is the world today different from what it was like when you were a child?

When I was a child we used to go to town in a wagon. We used to get mail once a week. We didn’t have a TV and we were much more close as a family.

What was your religion growing up? What church did you attend?

My religion is Baptist and my church is Bethel Hall which I still attend.

What is the one thing you want people to remember about you?

I want to be remembered as a good person and a good family man.

How were the holidays celebrated in your family?

We used to visit our grandparent’s house in Pelzer, SC on the land. We would get bags of apples and oranges and play all day long.

December 28, 2011
*Interview by Albert Elton Garrett II
*Photography by Precious Garrett
To submit additional Garrett, Neely, & Sullivan elder interviews please contact any member of the 2012 planning committee.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Elder Interviews: Dr. Naomi Mills Garrett

Location: Garrett Homestead,
[Note: This is not a chronological transcript; nor was our conversation chronological. Rather, "Aunt Mills" would go off on different tangents as she clearly delighted in relating these 'tidbits' for me, as she and my father reminisced about family connections and folks of long ago.]
"My mother's father came from a different type of family. They had what would be called the taxicab concession today; but back then, they were called "drayers." They met every seaboard train. One day a young country boy came in with a box on his shoulder. They asked if he wanted a ride. He didn't have the amount [of money], so he said: 'Let my trunk ride and I'll walk along behind. I'm here to go to school.' He (Mother's father) was so touched that the boy wanted an education that he said: 'Get in. I'll take you.'"
"My mother had never done anything-you know, any kind of work. They had servants. She got so disgusted hearing her father talk about this poor boy, whom he had formed an attachment to. She and Cas later became friends; but still she did not know he was the one, until one day, she invited him home to dinner."
"Mother came from an affluent family. She had never cooked, never even made eggs and things like that. My father often said: "I taught your mother how to cook! She tried to fry a turkey!"

*Interview by: Beryl Dakers Burton
Dr. Naomi Mills Garrett was a South Carolina African American history pioneer, you can read more about her at: